Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference

Using map of options with Checkout and Checkin Calls

It can be challenging to determining which options you can use as optional arguments (which are defined as part of the UserViewConstants class) for these check out and check in calls. The Javadocs list options in this format:




Instead of hard-coding these literal strings in your code when checking for options, Waveset provides constants that you can use throughout your code to represent a string. While this is a good coding practice, you cannot reference the static fields of UserViewConstants, such as OP_TARGET_RESOURCES, through XPRESS or workflow.

To identify valid strings that you can pass in the correct value, you can write a test rule that reveals the true string. For example, the following rule returns TargetResources.

   <set name=’wf_srv’>
      <new class=’com.waveset.provision.WorkflowServices’/>

      var wfSvc = env.get( ’wf_srv’ );
      var constant = wfSvc.OP_TARGETS;

Although handy for finding out a string, this rule is not appropriate for production deployment because it returns the same string for every call made to it. To minimize this problem, Waveset constants that are used in view processing are never changed. Once you have coded the constant in your workflow, the view’s interpretation of that constant will not change from release to release.

One you have identified valid strings, you can update your checkout view call as follows. The following code checks out a view that propagates only changes to Waveset and Active Directory.

<Action id=’-1’ application=’com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices’>
   <Argument name=’op’ value=’checkoutView’/>
   <Argument name=’type’ value=’User’/>
   <Argument name=’id’ value=’mfairfield’/>
   <Argument name=’options’>
<Variable name=’view’/>
<Return from=’view’ to=’user’/>