Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference

Importing and Mapping the Form

Five forms are involved in the substitution of Resource Table User form for the default Tabbed User form.

Table 2–21 Forms Associated with Resource Table User Form



Resource Table User Form 

Contains all globally available fields that are used for navigation, incremental fetching, and form layout. This main form drives all the other resource-related scalable forms. 

Resource Table User Form Library 

Contains primary fields for the Resource Table User form. Includes bread crumb and navigation fields. 

Resource Table Account Info Form 

Contains Fields for account information section of Resource Table form. 

Resource Table Rule Library 

Contains the rule library for retrieving, counting, analyzing a user’s resources. This is mostly used by the User Form Library and to build table data on roles and resources. 

Resource Table Utility Library 

Contains the rules used during the selection process on Resource Table Form, for example these rules retrieve resources per role or per type. 

Installing Resource Table User form involves two steps: importing the form, and changing the form mapping.