Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference


When specified, the value is expected to contain JavaScript that will be assigned as the value of the onClick attribute of the input element generated for this component. Not all components support the onClick property.

Use of this property is rare and requires detailed knowledge of the generated HTML. If you use this property, the page must typically contain a Javascript component that defines JavaScript functions you call from within the onClick value.


<Property name=’onClick’ value="Uncheck(this.form, ’resourceAccounts.selectAll’);"/>

Note –

Once forms are stored in the repository, Waveset always uses single quotes to surround attribute values. If single quotes appear within the attribute value, they will be replaced with &#039;. To prevent this escaping you can represent the string in an XPRESS s expression:

<Property name=’onClick’>
   <s>Uncheck(this.form, ’resourceAccounts.selectAll’); </s>