Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Upgrade

Baseline and Image

In this document baseline refers to a tagged level of artifacts, which includes configuration objects, libraries, and custom code in source control, that corresponds to a particular version of your Waveset application. Your CBE can generate from this baseline an image of the Waveset application that is appropriate to each target environment. An image is a complete, working copy of the application that has been tailored for a specific environment.

At a minimum, your source control must contain a baseline for the version of your Waveset application that is currently deployed in your Production environment. Your source control can also contain baselines for previous versions of your Waveset application and baselines for versions of your Waveset application that you are still developing in preparation to roll out new functionality (such as modified configurations, modified workflows, modified forms, and new custom code for integrations).

Any baseline should be complete enough that you can use it to rebuild the corresponding version of your Waveset application. Some customers include the Waveset product itself within that baseline. Other customers save the Waveset product image separately and use the baseline artifacts to overlay that product image with their own configurations and customizations.