Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Upgrade

ProcedureTo Perform a Manual Upgrade on a Windows Platform

Perform the following steps to upgrade Waveset manually on a supported Windows platform:

  1. Stop the application server and Gateway.

  2. Update the Waveset database.

  3. Enter the following commands to set your environment:

    set ISPATH=Path-to-install-software 
    set WSHOME=Path-to-Waveset-Installation  OR Staging-Directory set TEMP=Path-to-Temporary-Directory

    Note –

    If you have a space in the path to the Waveset installation directory, you must specify the WSHOME environment variable without double quotes ("), as shown in the following example.

    Do not use trailing slashes (\) when specifying the path even if the path contains no spaces.

    set WSHOME=c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 6.0\idm


    set WSHOME=c:\Progra~1\Apache~1\Tomcat~1\idm

    The following path will not work:

    set WSHOME="c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 6.0\idm"

  4. Run the pre-process.

    mkdir %TEMP%
    cd /d %TEMP%
    jar -xvf %ISPATH%\IDM.WAR\
    WEB-INF\lib\idm.jar WEB-INF\lib\idmcommon.jar
    set CLASSPATH=%TMPLIBPTH%\idm.jar;\
    java -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dwaveset.home=%WSHOME%\
  5. Install the software.

    cd %WSHOME%
    jar -xvf %ISPATH%\IDM.WAR
  6. Run the post-process.

    java -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dwaveset.home=%WSHOME%

    Note –
    • The upgrade post-process step runs in a separate Java virtual machine. The default heap size for this step is 1024 MB. If you experience out-of-memory exceptions during this step, set the maximum heap size value higher. To specify a custom value, set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable using the form —Xmx<heap size> where heap size is a value, such as 2048m. An example is -Xmx2048m.

    • The installer supports upgrading installations that have renamed, deleted, or disabled the default Configurator account.

      The installer prompts you for the user name and password to import the update.xml during the upgrade post process. If the user name or password is typed incorrectly, you will be prompted (up to three times) to enter the correct name or password. The error will be displayed in the text box behind it.

      For manual installation, you must provide the -U username -P password flags to pass the credentials to the UpgradePostProcess procedure.

  7. If you installed into a staging directory, create a .war file for deployment to your application server.

  8. Remove the Waveset files from the application server work directory.