Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Upgrade

Upgrade All Gateway Instances

Upgrade every Sun Waveset Gateway installation in your environment. Newer versions of Waveset server do not work with older versions of the Gateway.

ProcedureTo Upgrade the Waveset Gateway

  1. Log in to the Windows system and change to the directory where Gateway is installed.

  2. Stop the Gateway service.

    gateway -k
  3. If using at least Windows 2000, exit all instances of the Services MMC plug-in.

  4. Remove the Gateway service.

    gateway -r
  5. Back up and delete the existing Gateway files.

  6. Extract the new Gateway files.

    If you are installing the newly upgraded Gateway on a system that is not the Waveset server, then copy the file from the Waveset installation package.

  7. Unpack the file into the directory where Gateway was installed.

  8. Install the Gateway service.

    gateway -i
  9. Start the Gateway service.

    gateway -s