Oracle Waveset Installation

Chapter 2 Install and Ready Your Application Server

Follow the steps in this chapter to prepare your application server for Waveset.

This chapter includes the following sections:

General Requirements

When installing Waveset on UNIX or Linux systems, the /var/opt/sun/install directory must exist and be writable by the user running the installer.

When running Waveset on multiple physical servers, the servers' system clocks must be synchronized. Each Waveset server regularly issues a timestamped “heartbeat” to the Waveset repository. If any server observes that another server's heartbeat is too old (by default five minutes), then it will mark that server as “recovered” and mark all tasks currently executing on that server as terminated. Proper Waveset operation requires that all server clocks be synchronized to within five minutes of each other, and preferably within one minute.

Install an Application Server

For a list of supported application server versions, see Application Servers in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Release Notes

Oracle Glassfish Server Installation Notes

You may need to perform one or more of these general steps when installing the software:

Tomcat Installation Notes

Install the Tomcat software according to the instructions included with Tomcat. You may find helpful information at the Jakarta Project site:

ProcedureTo Install Tomcat on Windows

  1. Specify the Tomcat installation location.

  2. Select to start Tomcat as a service, and then select the port to run on. The default port is 8080.

ProcedureTo Install Tomcat on UNIX

  1. After downloading and unpacking the Tomcat installation bundle, modify the Tomcat startup script by using this procedure:

    In the file in the $TOMCAT_HOME/bin directory, add these lines to the top of the file:

    JAVA_HOME=Location of a JDK 
    BASEDIR=Location of your unpacked Tomcat 
  2. When configuring Tomcat to support UTF-8, add the URIEncoding="UTF-8" attribute to the connector element in the TomcatDir/conf/server.xml file, for example:

    <!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on the 
    port specified during installation -->
     <Connector port="8080"
        enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
        acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
        URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
  3. When configuring Tomcat to support UTF-8, also add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 in your Java VM options.

WebLogic Installation Notes

Install WebLogic using the instructions provided with the software. To configure WebLogic before installing Waveset, see Step 1: Configure the WebLogic Software.

WebSphere Installation Notes

Install WebSphere using the instructions provided with the software. To configure WebSphere before installing Waveset, see Step 1: Configure WebSphere.

JBoss Installation Notes

Install JBoss using the instructions provided with the software. You may find helpful information at the JBoss Project site, at .

You may need to perform one or more of these general steps when installing the software:

Oracle Application Server Installation Notes

Follow these general steps when installing the software. For details, see the documentation provided by Oracle.

Configure the Locale

The application server should be configured to use the same locale or encoding as the database and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Inconsistent encodings may introduce certain globalization issues, such as incorrect handlings of multibyte characters. In globalized environments, UTF-8 should be implemented on all products.

Refer to your application server documentation for information about setting the locale/encoding. Also, when loading or unloading data using CSV or XML files, ensure that their encodings are consistent with Waveset’s deployment environment encoding to retain data integrity. For enabling localization support see Enabling Language Support.

Decide Where to Store Application Files

You must create the directory where you will store application files before launching the installation program. You can store application files in a staging directory, or you can install into your application server’s Web application directory.

Using a Staging Directory

Because Waveset applications are based on J2EE Web, you can store them in a staging directory. This staging directory is used to deploy the application into your specific application server. Typically, a Web Application Archive (.war) file is created for use in the deployment steps.

Using a Web Application Directory

You may choose to install directly into an application server’s Web application directory. In this case, you will specify the Web application directory during installation. The installation program will place the Waveset files in a folder named idm in that location by default.

Note –

If you use a localfiles repository instead of a database, set the localfiles repository to a location outside of the Waveset directory on the application server. See If You Are Not Using a Database for more information.

Set Up a Java Virtual Machine and Java Compiler

The application server requires a Java compiler and a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run the Java classes that perform actions within Waveset. Both of these can be found in a Java SDK. (The JRE packages do not include a Java compiler.)

Note –

Memory Requirements

You should determine your memory needs and set values in your application server’s JVM. Do this by adding maximum and minimum heap size to the Java command line; for example:

java -Xmx512M -Xms512M

Note –

For best performance, set these values to the same size. Depending on your specific implementation, you may need to increase these recommended values if you run reconciliation.

For performance tuning purposes, you may also set the following in the file: value

Note –

The property specifies the maximum number of bytes that a posted file may contain without being spooled to the disk. For cases where you do not have permission to write to temp files, you should increase to avoid having to spool to the disk. The default value is 8 Kbytes.

For additional system requirements and information, refer to the Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Release Notes.