Oracle Waveset Installation




-d databaseName

dbName in URL. The default name is waveset. Ignored if the -u flag is specified.

-D propsPath

Path to Properties file (JDBC/JNDI Connection Properties) 

-f filepath

Filesystem path for LocalFiles (JNDI RDN for DataSource) 

-h hostName

Host name URL. Ignored if the -u flag is specified.

-i initCtxFac

Name of the InitialContextFactory class for JNDI

-j jdbcDriver

JDBC Driver class. (The default is DBMS-specific.) 

-p portNumber

Port number in URL. Ignored if the -u flag is specified.

-P password

Password for JDBC connection. 

-t type

Oracle, MySQL, SQLServer, DB2, or LocalFiles 

-u "url" or "-uurl"

URL for JDBC connection (overrides the -d, -h, and -p flags)

-U username

User name for JDBC connection.