Oracle Waveset Installation

Create a Connection Pool

ProcedureTo Create a Connection Pool

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administrator Web console (by default, http://localhost:7001/console/).

  2. Expand the Services folder for the domain located in the navigation (left) pane.

  3. Expand the JDBC folder.

  4. Expand the Connection Pools folder.

  5. In the right pane (JDBC Connection Pools), click Configure a new JDBC Connection Pool.

  6. For Database Type select Oracle. You can use any of the applicable types. Note that drivers must be installed in order to use them.

  7. Select an applicable drive in the Database Driver selection box. In this example, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin).

  8. Click Continue.

  9. Configure the JDBC driver as follows:




    Choose a unique name that identifies your connection pool. For example: myOraConnPool. 

    Database Name 

    Select the name of the Oracle database that you wish to connect to. In this example myOraDB. 

    Host Name 

    Specify the host name of the Oracle DB server. 


    Specify the port (default is 1521) for the database server. 

    Database User Name 

    Specify the database account user's name used in the connection. 


    Specify the password for the account user. 

  10. Click Continue.

  11. Test the database connection on this page or click Skip this step. You may need to add additional properties depending on your installation. See the administrator’s guide for your target database.

    Note –

    The following Connection Pool Settings are dependent on the driver that you select. The following options are for the Oracle driver and may not be applicable if you choose another kind of driver.

    The JDBC drivers must be installed for this to succeed. Follow the instructions provided with your target driver.

  12. Click Create and deploy.

  13. Configure connection settings for this connection pool:

    Example Connection Settings:
    Initial Capacity:20
    Maximum Capacity:100
    Capacity Increment: 10
    Statement Cache Type: LRU
    Statement Cache Size: 20