Oracle Waveset Installation


Note –

If any parameters contain a shell escape or illegal characters, use double quotation marks around them to avoid failures. For example, the ";", "&", "&&", "|", and "||" characters cause these failures.

The following is an example containing arguments for a direct JDBC driver connection:

{-toracle { "-u$url" | -h$host [-p$port] [-d$dbname] } [-U$userid \
-P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]
| -tmysql [ "-u$url" | [-h$host] [-p$port] [-d$dbname] ] [-U$userid \
-P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]
| -tsqls { "-u$url" | -h$host [-p$port] [-d$dbname] } [-U$userid \
-P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]
| -tdb2 { "-u$url" | -h$host [-p$port] [-d$dbname] } [-U$userid \
 -P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]

The following is an example containing arguments that specify a direct DataSource connection:

| -toracle -i$initCtxFac -f$path ["-u$providerUrl"] [-U$userid \
 -P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]
| -tmysql -i$initCtxFac -f$path ["-u$providerUrl"] [-U$userid -P$pwd] \
| -tsqlserver -i$initCtxFac -f$path ["-u$providerUrl"] [-U$userid \
-P$pwd] [-D$propsPath]
| -tdb2 -i$initCtxFac -f$path ["-u$providerUrl"] [-U$userid -P$pwd] \