Oracle Waveset Installation

ProcedureTo Create a Connection Pool

  1. Log in to the Oracle 10g Application Server Control console (by default, http://localhost:port/me).

  2. On the Cluster Topology page select View By Application Servers.

  3. Click the OC4J home link, then on the OC4J:home page click the Administration link.

  4. Click the Go to Task icon for Services -> JDBC Resources (Create/delete/view data sources and connection pools).

  5. Under Connection Pools, click the Create button.

    1. Select idm from Application drop-down list

    2. Select the New Connection Pool radio button, then click Continue.

    3. On the Create Connection Pool page, configure the new connection pool as follows:




      Choose a unique name that identifies your connection pool. For example, IdmOraConnPool. 

      Connection Factory Class 

      Use default value of oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.

      JDBC URL 

      Specify jdbc:oracle:thin:@//hostname:1521/orcl (or fill in the Connection Information to have a URL generated for you)


      Specify the host name of Oracle DB server. 


      Specify the port (default is 1521) for the database server. 


      Specify the database account users name used in the connection. 


      Specify the cleartext password for the account user. 

    4. Click the Test Connection button to ensure connectivity.

    5. You may need to add additional properties on the Attributes and Properties pages depending on your installation. See the administrator’s guide for your target database.

  6. Click the Finish button.