Oracle Waveset Installation

Step 5: Install the Metro Libraries (optional)

If you are integrating Waveset with Oracle Identity Analytics (previously Sun Role Manager), or if you are using the SAP Web Services adapter, you need to install the Metro libraries. Metro is a web service stack that you can download from

ProcedureTo Install the Metro Libraries

  1. Prior to installing the Metro libraries, remove all saaj directories from webservices-rt.jar.

    1. Unjar (expand) the webservices-rt.jar file.

    2. Remove all of the saaj directories.

      For UNIX, use the following command:

      find . -name saaj -exec rm -rf {} \; -print

    3. Rejar the webservices-rt.jar file.

  2. Download Metro 2.0 and expand the zip file:

  3. Install the Metro libraries into the Waveset WEB-INF/lib directory.