The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Chapter 9 Developing With JavaServerTM Faces Technology

The previous chapters, Chapter 7, Using JavaServerTM Faces Technology in Web Pages and Chapter 8, Using Converters, Listeners and Validators, show how to add components to a page, connect them to server-side objects using the component tags, and how to provide additional functionality to the components through converters, listeners, and validators. Developing a JavaServer Faces application also involves the task of programming the server-side objects. These objects include backing beans, converters, event handlers, and validators.

This chapter provides an overview of the backing beans, and explains how to write methods and properties of backing beans that are used by a JavaServer Faces application. It also introduces the new bean validation (JSR 303) feature.

Backing Beans

A typical JavaServer Faces application includes one or more backing beans, each of which is a type of JavaServer Faces managed bean that can be associated with the components used in a particular page. This section introduces the basic concepts on creating, configuring, and using backing beans in an application.

Creating a Backing Bean

A backing bean is created with a constructor with no arguments (like all JavaBeansTM components), and also a set of properties and a set of methods that perform functions for a component.

Each of the component properties can be bound to one of the following:

The most common functions that backing bean methods perform include the following:

As with all JavaBeans components, a property consists of a private data field and a set of accessor methods, as shown by this code:

Integer userNumber = null;
public void setUserNumber(Integer user_number) {
    userNumber = user_number;
public Integer getUserNumber() {
    return userNumber;
public String getResponse() {

When a bean property is bound to a component’s value, it can be any of the basic primitive and numeric types, or any Java object type for which the application has access to an appropriate converter. For example, a property can be of type Date if the application has access to a converter that can convert the Date type to a String and back again. See Writing Bean Properties for information on which types are accepted by which component tags.

When a bean property is bound to a component instance, the property’s type must be the same as the component object. For example, if a SelectBoolean component is bound to the property, the property must accept and return a SelectBoolean object.

Likewise, if the property is bound to a converter, validator, or listener instance, then the property must be of the appropriate converter, validator, or listener type.

For more information on writing beans and their properties, see Writing Bean Properties.

Using the EL to Reference Backing Beans

To bind component values and objects to backing bean properties or to reference backing bean methods from component tags, page authors use the unified expression language (EL) syntax. As explained in Overview of EL, the following are some of the features that EL offers:

Deferred evaluation of expressions is important because the JavaServer Faces lifecycle is split into several phases where component event handling, data conversion and validation, and data propagation to external objects are all performed in an orderly fashion. The implementation must be able to delay the evaluation of expressions until the proper phase of the life cycle has been reached. Therefore, its tag attributes always use deferred evaluation syntax, which is distinguished by the #{} delimiter.

In order to store data in external objects, almost all JavaServer Faces tag attributes use lvalue value expressions, which are expressions that allow both getting and setting data on external objects.

Finally, some component tag attributes accept method expressions that reference methods that handle component events, or validate or convert component data.

To illustrate a JavaServer Faces tag using EL, let’s suppose that a tag of an application referenced a method to perform the validation of user input:

<h:inputText id="userNo"
     validator="#{UserNumberBean.validate}" />

This tag binds the userNo component’s value to the UserNumberBean.userNumber backing bean property using an lvalue expression. It uses a method expression to refer to the UserNumberBean.validate method, which performs validation of the component’s local value. The local value is whatever the user enters into the field corresponding to this tag. This method is invoked when the expression is evaluated, which is during the process validation phase of the life cycle.

Nearly all JavaServer Faces tag attributes accept value expressions. In addition to referencing bean properties, value expressions can also reference lists, maps, arrays, implicit objects, and resource bundles.

Another use of value expressions is binding a component instance to a backing bean property. A page author does this by referencing the property from the binding attribute:

<inputText binding="#{UserNumberBean.userNoComponent}" />

In addition to using expressions with the standard component tags, you can also configure your custom component properties to accept expressions by creating ValueExpression or MethodExpression instances for them.

For information on EL, see Chapter 6, Unified Expression Language.

For information on referencing backing bean methods from component tags, see Referencing a Backing Bean Method.

Writing Bean Properties

As explained in Backing Beans, a backing bean property can be bound to one of the following items:

These properties follow the conventions of JavaBeans components (also called beans). For more information on JavaBeans components, see JavaBeans Tutorial.

The component’s tag binds the component’s value to a backing bean property using its value attribute and binds the component’s instance to a backing bean property using its binding attribute.

Likewise, all the converter, listener, and validator tags use their binding attributes to bind their associated implementations to backing bean properties. Binding is an advanced topic covered in Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume II: Advanced Topics.

To bind a component’s value to a backing bean property, the type of the property must match the type of the component’s value to which it is bound. For example, if a backing bean property is bound to a SelectBoolean component’s value, the property should accept and return a boolean value or a Boolean wrapper Object instance.

To bind a component instance to a backing bean property, the property must match the type of component. For example, if a backing bean property is bound to a SelectBoolean instance, the property should accept and return SelectBoolean value.

Similarly, to bind a converter, listener, or validator implementation to a backing bean property, the property must accept and return the same type of converter, listener, or validator object. For example, if you are using the convertDateTime tag to bind a DateTime converter to a property, that property must accept and return a DateTime instance.

The rest of this section explains how to write properties that can be bound to component values, to component instances for the component objects described in Adding Components to a Page Using HTML Tags, and to converter, listener, and validator implementations.

Writing Properties Bound to Component Values

To write a backing bean property that is bound to a component’s value, you must match the property type to the component’s value .

Table 9–1 lists the component classes described in Adding Components to a Page Using HTML Tags and the acceptable types of their values.

Table 9–1 Acceptable Types of Component Values


Acceptable Types of Component Values 

Input, Output, SelectItem, SelectOne

Any of the basic primitive and numeric types or any Java programming language object type for which an appropriate Converter implementation is available


array of beans, List of beans, single bean, java.sql.ResultSet, javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result, javax.sql.RowSet


boolean or Boolean


java.lang.String, Collection, Array, Map


array or List though elements of the array or List can be any of the standard types

When page authors bind components to properties using the value attributes of the component tags, they need to ensure that the corresponding properties match the types of the components’ values.

Input and Output Properties

In the following example, an h:inputText tag binds the value of component to the name property of a backing bean called CashierBean.

<h:inputText id="name" size="50"

The following code segment from the backing bean CashierBean, shows the bean property type bound by the preceding component tag:

protected String name = null;
 public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {

As described in Using the Standard Converters, to convert the value of a Input or Output component, you can either apply a converter or create the bean property bound to the component with the matching type.

Here is the example tag from Using DateTimeConverter that displays the date that books will be shipped.

<h:outputText value="#{cashier.shipDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime dateStyle="full" />

The bean property represented by this tag must be of a type of java.util.Date. The following code segment shows the shipDate property from the backing bean CashierBean, that is bound by the tag's value in the preceding example:

protected Date shipDate;
public Date getShipDate() {
    return this.shipDate;
public void setShipDate(Date shipDate) {
    this.shipDate = shipDate;

Data Properties

Data components must be bound to one of the backing bean property types listed in Table 9–1. The Data component is discussed in Using Data-Bound Table Components. Here is part of the start tag of dataTable from that section:

<h:dataTable  id="items"
    var="item" >

The value expression points to the items property of a shopping cart bean namedcart. The cart bean maintains a map of ShoppingCartItem beans.

The getItems method from cart bean populates a List with ShoppingCartItem instances that are saved in the items map from when the customer adds books to the cart, as shown in the following code segment:

public synchronized List getItems() {
    List results = new ArrayList();
    return results;

All the components contained in the Data component are bound to the properties of the cart bean that is bound to the entire Data component. For example, here is the h:outputText tag that displays the book title in the table:

<h:commandLink action="#{showcart.details}">
    <h:outputText value="#{item.item.title}"/>

SelectBoolean Properties

Backing bean properties that hold the SelectBoolean component’s data must be of boolean or Boolean type. The example selectBooleanCheckbox tag from the section Displaying Components for Selecting One Value binds a component to a property. The following example shows a tag that binds a component value to a boolean property:

<h:selectBooleanCheckbox title="#{bundle.receiveEmails}"
     value="#{custFormBean.receiveEmails}" >
<h:outputText value="#{bundle.receiveEmails}">

Here is an example property that can be bound to the component represented by the example tag:

    protected boolean receiveEmails = false;
    public void setReceiveEmails(boolean receiveEmails) {
        this.receiveEmails = receiveEmails;
    public boolean getReceiveEmails() {
        return receiveEmails;

SelectMany Properties

Because a SelectMany component allows a user to select one or more items from a list of items, this component must map to a bean property of type List or array. This bean property represents the set of currently selected items from the list of available items.

The following example of selectManyCheckbox tag comes fromRendering Components for Selecting Multiple Values:

    <f:selectItems value="#{newsletters}"/>

Here is the bean property that maps to the value of the selectManyCheckbox tag from the preceding example:

protected String newsletters[] = new String[0];

public void setNewsletters(String newsletters[]) {
    this.newsletters = newsletters;
public String[] getNewsletters() {
    return this.newsletters;

The SelectItem and SelectItems components are used to represent all the values in a SelectMany component. See SelectItem Properties and SelectItems Properties for information on writing the bean properties for the SelectItem and SelectItems components.

SelectOne Properties

SelectOne properties accept the same types as Input and Output properties, because a SelectOne component represents the single selected item from a set of items. This item can be any of the primitive types and anything else for which you can apply a converter.

Here is an example of the selectOneMenu tag from Displaying a Menu Using the h:selectOneMenu Tag:

<h:selectOneMenu   id="shippingOption"

Here is the bean property corresponding to this tag:

protected String shippingOption = "2";

public void setShippingOption(String shippingOption) {
    this.shippingOption = shippingOption;
public String getShippingOption() {
    return this.shippingOption;

Note that shippingOption represents the currently selected item from the list of items in the SelectOne component.

The SelectItem and SelectItems components are used to represent all the values in a SelectOne component. This is explained in the section Displaying a Menu Using the h:selectOneMenu Tag.

For information on how to write the backing bean properties for the SelectItem and SelectItems components, see SelectItem Properties and SelectItems Properties .

SelectItem Properties

A SelectItem component represents a single value in a set of values in a SelectMany or SelectOne component. A SelectItem component can be bound to a backing bean property of type SelectItem. A SelectItem object is composed of an Object representing the value, along with two Strings representing the label and description of the SelectItem object.

The example selectOneMenu tag from Displaying a Menu Using the h:selectOneMenu Tag contains selectItem tags that set the values of the list of items in the page. Here is an example of a bean property that can set the values for this list in the bean:

SelectItem itemOne = null;

SelectItem getItemOne(){
    return itemOne;


void setItemOne(SelectItem item) {
    itemOne = item;

SelectItems Properties

The SelectItems components are children of SelectMany and SelectOne components. Each SelectItems component is composed of a set of either SelectItem instances or anycollection of objects such as an array, or a list or even POJOs..

The following section describes how to write the properties for selectItems tags containing SelectItem instances.

Properties for SelectItems Composed of SelectItem Instances

You can populate the SelectItems with SelectItem instances programmatically in the backing bean.

  1. In your backing bean, create a list that is bound to the SelectItem component.

  2. Then define a set of SelectItem objects, set their values, and populate the list with the SelectItem objects.

Here is an example code snippet from a backing bean that shows how to create a SelectItems property:

import javax.faces.component.SelectItem;
protected ArrayList options = null;
protected SelectItem newsletter0 =
     new SelectItem("200", "Duke’s Quarterly", "");
//in constructor, populate the list
public SelectItem getNewsletter0(){
    return newsletter0;

void setNewsletter0(SelectItem firstNL) {
    newsletter0 = firstNL;
// Other SelectItem properties

public Collection[] getOptions(){
    return options;
public void setOptions(Collection[] options){
    this.options = new ArrayList(options);

The code first initializes options as a list. Each newsletter property is defined with values. Then, each newsletter SelectItem is added to the list. Finally, the code includes the obligatory setOptions and getOptions accessor methods.

Writing Properties Bound to Component Instances

A property bound to a component instance returns and accepts a component instance rather than a component value. The following components bind a component instance to a backing bean property:

    binding="#{cashier.specialOffer}" />
<h:outputLabel for="fanClub"
    binding="#{cashier.specialOfferText}"  >
    <h:outputText id="fanClubLabel"
        value="#{bundle.DukeFanClub}" />

The selectBooleanCheckbox tag renders a check box and binds the fanClub SelectBoolean component to the specialOffer property of CashierBean. The outputLabel tag binds the fanClubLabel component (which represents the check box’s label) to the specialOfferText property of CashierBean. If the user orders more than $100 worth of books and clicks the Submit button, the submit method of CashierBean sets both components’ rendered properties to true, causing the check box and label to display when the page is re-rendered.

Because the components corresponding to the example tags are bound to the backing bean properties, these properties must match the components’ types. This means that the specialOfferText property must be of Output type, and the specialOffer property must be of SelectBoolean type:

UIOutput specialOfferText = null;

public UIOutput getSpecialOfferText() {
    return this.specialOfferText;
public void setSpecialOfferText(UIOutput specialOfferText) {
    this.specialOfferText = specialOfferText;

UISelectBoolean specialOffer = null;

public UISelectBoolean getSpecialOffer() {
    return this.specialOffer;
public void setSpecialOffer(UISelectBoolean specialOffer) {
    this.specialOffer = specialOffer;

For more general information on component binding, see Backing Beans.

For information on how to reference a backing bean method that performs navigation when a button is clicked, see Referencing a Method That Performs Navigation.

For more information on writing backing bean methods that handle navigation, see Writing a Method to Handle Navigation .

Writing Properties Bound to Converters, Listeners, or Validators

All of the standard converter, listener, and validator tags that are included with JavaServer Faces technology support binding attributes that allow binding converter, listener, or validator implementations to backing bean properties.

The following example shows a standard convertDateTime tag using a value expression with its binding attribute to bind the DateTimeConverter instance to the convertDate property of LoginBean:

<h:inputText value="#{LoginBean.birthDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime binding="#{LoginBean.convertDate}" />

The convertDate property must therefore accept and return a DateTimeConverter object, as shown here:

private DateTimeConverter convertDate;
public DateTimeConverter getConvertDate() {
    return convertDate;
public void setConvertDate(DateTimeConverter convertDate) {
    convertDate.setPattern("EEEEEEEE, MMM dd, yyyy");
    this.convertDate = convertDate;

Because the converter is bound to a backing bean property, the backing bean property can modify the attributes of the converter or add new functionality to it. In the case of the preceding example, the property sets the date pattern that the converter uses to parse the user’s input into a Date object.

The backing bean properties that are bound to validator or listener implementations are written in the same way and have the same general purpose.

Writing Backing Bean Methods

Methods of a backing bean can perform several application-specific functions for components on the page. These functions include:

By using a backing bean to perform these functions, you eliminate the need to implement the Validator interface to handle the validation or the Listener interface to handle events. Also, by using a backing bean instead of a Validator implementation to perform validation, you eliminate the need to create a custom tag for the Validator implementation. Creating custom validators is an advanced topic covered in Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume II: Advanced Topics.

In general, it’s good practice to include these methods in the same backing bean that defines the properties for the components referencing these methods. The reason for doing so is that the methods might need to access the component’s data to determine how to handle the event or to perform the validation associated with the component.

This section describes the requirements for writing the backing bean methods. The following topics explain writing different types of backing bean methods:

Writing a Method to Handle Navigation

A backing bean method that handles navigation processing, called an action method, must be a public method that takes no parameters and returns an Object, which is the logical outcome that the navigation system uses to determine the page to display next. This method is referenced using the component tag’s action attribute.

The following action method is from a backing bean named CashierBean, which is invoked when a user clicks the Submit button on the page. If the user has ordered more than $100 worth of books, this method sets the rendered properties of the fanClub and specialOffer components to true, causing them to be displayed on the page the next time that page is rendered.

After setting the components’ rendered properties to true, this method returns the logical outcome null. This causes the JavaServer Faces implementation to re-render the page without creating a new view of the page, retaining the customer’s input. If this method were to return purchase which is the logical outcome to use to advance to a payment page, the page would re-render without retaining the customer’s input.

If the user does not purchase more than $100 worth of books or the thankYou component has already been rendered, the method returns receipt.The JavaServer Faces implementation loads the page after this method returns.

public String submit() {
    if(cart().getTotal() > 100.00 &&
        return null;
    } else if (specialOffer.isRendered() &&
        return null;
    } else {
        return ("receipt");

Typically, an action method will return a String outcome, as shown in the previous example. Alternatively, you can define an Enum class that encapsulates all possible outcome strings, and then make an action method return an enum constant, which represents a particular String outcome defined by the Enum class. In this case, the value returned by a call to the Enum class’s toString method must match that specified by the from-outcome element in the appropriate navigation rule configuration defined in the application configuration file.

The following example uses an Enum class to encapsulate all logical outcomes:

public enum Navigation  {
    main, accountHist, accountList, atm, atmAck, transferFunds,
     transferAck, error

When an action method returns an outcome, it uses the dot notation to reference the outcome from the Enum class:

public Object submit(){
    return Navigation.accountHist;

The section Referencing a Method That Performs Navigation explains how a component tag references this method. The section Writing Properties Bound to Component Instances discusses how to write the bean properties to which the components are bound.

Writing a Method to Handle an Action Event

A backing bean method that handles an action event must be a public method that accepts an action event and returns void. This method is referenced using the component tag’s actionListener attribute. Only components that implement ActionSource can refer to this method.

In the following example, a method from a backing bean named LocaleBean processes the event of a user clicking one of the hyperlinks on the page:

public void chooseLocaleFromLink(ActionEvent event) {
    String current = event.getComponent().getId();
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

This method gets the component that generated the event from the event object, and then it gets the component’s ID, which indicates a region of the world. The method matches the ID against a HashMap object that contains the locales available for the application. Finally, it sets the locale using the selected value from the HashMap object.

Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event explains how a component tag references this method.

Writing a Method to Perform Validation

Instead of implementing the Validator interface to perform validation for a component, you can include a method in a backing bean to take care of validating input for the component.

A backing bean method that performs validation must accept a FacesContext, the component whose data must be validated, and the data to be validated, just as the validate method of the Validator interface does. A component refers to the backing bean method by using its validator attribute. Only values of Input components or values of components that extend Input can be validated.

Here is an example of a backing bean method that validates user input:

public void validateEmail(FacesContext context,
     UIComponent toValidate, Object value) {
    String message = "";
    String email = (String) value;
    if (email.contains(’@’)) {
        message = CoffeeBreakBean.loadErrorMessage(context,
            new FacesMessage(message));

Let's take a closer look at the above code segment:

  1. The validateEmail method first gets the local value of the component.

  2. It then checks whether the @ character is contained in the value.

  3. If not, the method sets the component’s valid property to false.

  4. The method then loads the error message and queues it onto the FacesContext instance, associating the message with the component ID.

See Referencing a Method That Performs Validation for information on how a component tag references this method.

Writing a Method to Handle a Value-Change Event

A backing bean that handles a value-change event must use a public method that accepts a value-change event and returns void. This method is referenced using the component’s valueChangeListener attribute.

.This section explains how to write a backing bean method to replace the ValueChangeListener implementation.

The following example tag comes from Registering a Value-Change Listener on a Component, where the h:inputText tag with the id of name, has a ValueChangeListener instance registered on it. This ValueChangeListener instance handles the event of entering a value in the field corresponding to the component. When the user enters a value, a value-change event is generated, and the processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent) method of the ValueChangeListener class is invoked.

<h:inputText  id="name" size="50" value="#{}"
     <f:valueChangeListener type="listeners.NameChanged" />

Instead of implementing ValueChangeListener, you can write a backing bean method to handle this event. To do this, you move the processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent) method from the ValueChangeListener class, called NameChanged, to your backing bean.

Here is the backing bean method that processes the event of entering a value in the name field on the page:

public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event)
    throws AbortProcessingException {
    if (null != event.getNewValue()) {
                put("name", event.getNewValue());

To make this method handle the ValueChangeEvent that is generated by an Input component, reference this method from the component tag’s valueChangeListener attribute. See Referencing a Method That Handles a Value-Change Event for more information.

Bean Validation

Bean validation (JSR 303) is a new feature that is available in Java EE 6. A JavaServer Faces 2.0 implementation must support bean validation if the server runtime (such as Java EE 6) requires it.

Validation can take place at different layers in even the simplest of applications, as shown in the guessNumber example application from the earlier chapter. The guessNumber example application validates the user input (in the <h:inputText> tag) for numerical data at the presentation layer and for a valid range of numbers at the business layer.

The bean validation model is supported by constraints in the form of annotations placed on a field, method, or class of a JavaBeans component such as a backing bean.

Constraints can be built-in or user-defined. Several built-in annotations are available in the javax.validation.constraints package. Some of the commonly used built-in annotations are listed below:

For a complete list of built-in constraint annotations, see API documentation for javax.validation.constraints class at

In the following example, a constraint is placed on a field using the built-in @NotNull constraint:

public class Name {
private String firstname;
private String lastname;

You can also place more than one constraint on a single JavaBeans component object. For example, you can place an additional constraint for size of field on the first name and the last name fields:

public class Name {
@Size(min=1, max=16)
private String firstname;
@Size(min=1, max=16)
private String lastname;

The following example shows a user-defined constraint placed on a method which checks for a predefined email address pattern such as a corporate email account:

 public String getEmailAddress() 
return emailAddress;

A user-defined constraint also needs a validation implementation. For a built-in constraint, a default implementation is already available. Any validation failures are gracefully handled and can be displayed by h:messages tag.