The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Deferred Evaluation

Deferred evaluation expressions take the form #{expr} and can be evaluated at other phases of a page lifecycle as defined by whatever technology is using the expression. In the case of JavaServer Faces technology, its controller can evaluate the expression at different phases of the lifecycle depending on how the expression is being used in the page.

The following example shows a JavaServer Faces inputText tag, which represents a text field component into which a user enters a value. The inputText tag’s value attribute references a deferred evaluation expression that points to the name property of the customer bean.

<h:inputText id="name" value="#{}" />

For an initial request of the page containing this tag, the JavaServer Faces implementation evaluates the #{} expression during the render response phase of the lifecycle. During this phase, the expression merely accesses the value of name from the customer bean, as is done in immediate evaluation.

For a postback request, the JavaServer Faces implementation evaluates the expression at different phases of the lifecycle, during which the value is retrieved from the request, validated, and propagated to the customer bean.

As shown in this example, deferred evaluation expressions can be value expressions that can be used to both read and write data. They can also be method expressions. Value expressions (both immediate and deferred) and method expressions are explained in the next section.