The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Generated Primary Keys

VendorPart uses a generated primary key value. That is, the application does not assign primary key values for the entities, but instead relies on the persistence provider to generate the primary key values. The @GeneratedValue annotation is used to specify that an entity will use a generated primary key.

In VendorPart, the following code specifies the settings for generating primary key values:

public Long getVendorPartNumber() {
    return vendorPartNumber;

The @TableGenerator annotation is used in conjunction with @GeneratedValue’s strategy=TABLE element. That is, the strategy used to generate the primary keys is use a table in the database. @TableGenerator is used to configure the settings for the generator table. The name element sets the name of the generator, which is vendorPartGen in VendorPart.

The EJB_ORDER_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR table, which has two columns GEN_KEY and GEN_VALUE, will store the generated primary key values. This table could be used to generate other entity’s primary keys, so the pkColumnValue element is set to VENDOR_PART_ID to distinguish this entity’s generated primary keys from other entity’s generated primary keys. The allocationSize element specifies the amount to increment when allocating primary key values In this case, each VendorPart’s primary key will increment by 10.

The primary key field vendorPartNumber is of type Long, as the generated primary key’s field must be an integral type.