The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Example 3: @Activation Annotation

The following deployment descriptor snippet describes the messaging capabilities of a resource adapter:

<description>Normally imap or pop3</description>

The equivalent metadata annotation is as follows:

        messageListeners = {samples.mailra.api.JavaMailMessageListener.class}

public class ActivationSpecImpl implements javax.resource.spi.ActivationSpec,
    // serverName property value
    private String serverName = new String("");

    // userName property value
    private String userName = new String("");

    // password property value
    private String password = new String("");

    // folderName property value
    private String folderName = new String("Inbox");

    // protocol property value
    // Normally imap or pop3
            description = "Normally imap or pop3"
    private String protocol = new String("imap");
