Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Release Notes

Changes Related to Administrator Authentication

In Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3, you are not prompted for administration credentials by default. This is a change from previous releases.

If you install Enterprise Server using the ZIP file, you will not be prompted for administration credentials when you launch the Administration Console or use the asadmin utility and remote subcommands to perform administrative tasks.

If you install Enterprise Server v3 using the self-extracting file and graphical installer, you will not be prompted for administration credentials unless you specified a user name and password on the Administration Settings page during installation. If you accepted the defaults on that page, the default administrative user is admin and the password field is left empty.

If there is only one admin user with no password, unauthenticated logins are permitted. For more information about administrator authentication, see To Log In to a Domain in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide.

Administrator authentication requirements can be changed after Enterprise Server has been installed. For information about using the Administration Console to perform this and related tasks, see the Administration Console online help. For information about using the command-line interface, see Administering Passwords in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide.