Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

Administration Console

The Administration Console is a browser-based utility that features an easy-to-navigate graphical interface that includes extensive online help for the administrative tasks.

To use the Administration Console, the domain administration server (DAS) must be running. Each domain has its own DAS, which has a unique port number. When Enterprise Server was installed, you chose a port number for the DAS, or used the default port of 4848. You also specified a user name and password if you did not accept the default login (admin with no password).

When specifying the URL for the Administration Console, use the port number for the domain to be administered. The format for starting the Administration Console in a web browser is http://hostname:port. For example:

If the Administration Console is running on the host where Enterprise Server was installed, specify localhost for the host name. For example:


For Microsoft Windows, an alternate way to start the Enterprise Server Administration Console is by using the Start menu.

You can display the help material for a page in the Administration Console by clicking the Help button on the page. The initial help page describes the functions and fields of the page itself. Associated task instructions can be accessed on additional pages by clicking a link in the See Also list.