Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

Applications Tree Hierarchy

The applications tree contains the following nodes:

   |--- application1
   |    |--- ejb-module-1
   |    |        |--- ejb1 *
   |    |                  |--- bean-cache (for entity/sfsb) *
   |    |                  |--- bean-pool (for slsb/mdb/entity) *
   |    |                  |--- bean-methods
   |    |                       |---method1 *
   |    |                       |---method2 *
   |    |                  |--- timers (for s1sb/entity/mdb) *
   |    |--- web-module-1
   |    |        |--- virtual-server-1 *
   |    |                       |---servlet1  *
   |    |                       |---servlet2  *
   |--- standalone-web-module-1
   |    |        |----- virtual-server-2 *
   |    |                       |---servlet3 *
   |    |                       |---servlet4 *
   |    |        |----- virtual-server-3 *
   |    |                       |---servlet3 *(same servlet on different vs)
   |    |                       |---servlet5 *
   |--- standalone-ejb-module-1
   |    |        |--- ejb2 *
   |    |                  |--- bean-cache (for entity/sfsb) *
   |    |                  |--- bean-pool (for slsb/mdb/entity) *
   |    |                  |--- bean-methods
   |    |                       |--- method1 *
   |    |                       |--- method2 *
   |    |                  |--- timers (for s1sb/entity/mdb) *
   |--- jersey-application-1
   |    |--- jersey
   |    |        |--- resources
   |--- application2

An example dotted name might be server.applications.hello.server.request.maxtime.

An example dotted name under the EJB method node might be server.applications.ejbsfapp1.ejbsfapp1ejbmod1\.jar.SFApp1EJB1.

An example Jersey dotted name might be server.applications.helloworld-webapp.jersey.resources.resource-0.hitcount.resourcehitcount-count.

For available statistics, see EJB Statistics, Jersey Statistics, and Web Statistics.