Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

Internet Connectivity Subcommands


Creates a set of HTTP parameters for a protocol, which in turn configures one or more network listeners. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create an HTTP Configuration.


Creates a new HTTP listener socket. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create an Internet Connection.


Creates a new HTTP listener socket. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create an Internet Connection.


Creates a protocol for a listener. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Protocol.


Creates a transport for a listener. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Transport.


Creates the specified virtual server element. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Virtual Server.


Creates and configures the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener to enable secure communication on that listener/service. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Configure an HTTP Listener for SSL.


Deletes an existing HTTP configuration. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an HTTP Configuration.


Deletes the specified HTTP listener. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an HTTP Network Listener.


Deletes the specified HTTP listener. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an HTTP Network Listener.


Deletes and existing HTTP protocol. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Protocol.


Deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete SSL From an HTTP Listener.


Deletes and existing HTTP transport. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Transport.


Deletes the specified virtual server element. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Virtual Server.


Lists the existing HTTP listeners. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List HTTP Network Listeners.


Lists the existing HTTP listeners. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List HTTP Network Listeners.


Lists the existing HTTP protocols. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Protocols.


Lists the existing HTTP transports. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Transports.


Lists the existing virtual servers. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Virtual Servers.