Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

Connectivity Subcommands


Creates an administered object. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create an Administered Object.


Adds a new connector connection pool with the specified connection pool name. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Connector Connection Pool.


Creates a connector resource. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Connector Resource.


Creates a connector security map for the specified connector connection pool. For procedural information, see To Create a Connector Security Map.


Creates a connector work security map for the specified resource adapter. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Connector Work Security Map.


Creates a new JDBC resource. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a JDBC Resource.


Registers a new JDBC connection pool with the specified JDBC connection pool name. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a JDBC Connection Pool.


Creates configuration information for the connector module. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create Configuration Information for a Resource Adapter.


Deletes an administered object. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an Administered Object.


Removes the connector connection pool specified using the connector_connection_pool_name operand. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Connector Connection Pool.


Deletes connector resource. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Connector Resource.


Deletes a specified connector security map. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Connector Security Map.


Deletes a specified connector work security map. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Connector Work Security Map.


Deletes the specified JDBC connection pool. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a JDBC Connection Pool.


Deletes a JDBC resource. The specified JNDI name identifies the resource to be deleted. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a JDBC Resource.


Deletes configuration information for the connector module. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Resource Adapter Configuration.


Reintializes all connections established in the specified connection. For procedural information in this guide, see To Reset (Flush) a Connection Pool.


Lists administered objects. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Administered Objects.


Lists the connector connection pools that have been created. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Connector Connection Pools.


Creates connector resources. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Connector Resources.


Lists the connector security maps belonging to a specified connector connection pool. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Connector Security Maps.


Lists the existing connector work security maps for a resource adapter. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Connector Work Security Maps.


Lists the existing JDBC connection pools. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List JDBC Connection Pools.


Lists the existing JDBC resources. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List JDBC Resources.


Lists configuration information for the connector modules. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Resource Adapter Configurations.


Tests if a JDBC connection pool is usable. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Contact (Ping) a Connection Pool.


Modifies a security map for the specified connector connection pool. For procedural information in this guide, see To Update a Connector Security Map.


Modifies a work security map that belongs to a specific resource adapter (connector module). For procedure information in this guide, see To Update a Connector Work Security Map.