Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

JNDI Subcommands


Creates a custom JNDI resource. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a Custom JNDI Resource.


Creates an external JNDI resource. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Register an External JNDI Resource.


Deletes a custom JNDI resource. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a Custom JNDI Resource.


Deletes an external JNDI resource. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an External JNDI Resource.


Lists the existing custom JNDI resources. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Custom JNDI Resources.


Lists the entries in the JNDI tree. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List External JNDI Entries,


Lists the existing external JNDI resources. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List External JNDI Resources.