Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Domain File Format Reference


The following table describes attributes for the http-service element.

Table 1–65 http-service Attributes






If true, enables access logging for all virtual-server subelements that specify this attribute as true or inherit. If false, disables access logging for all virtual-server subelements that specify this attribute as false or inherit.



If true, single sign-on is enabled by default for all web applications on all virtual servers on this server instance that are configured for the same realm. If false, single sign-on is disabled by default for all virtual servers, and users must authenticate separately to every application on each virtual server.

A true or false setting of the sso-enabled property of the virtual-server element overrides this setting for an individual virtual server. An inherit setting of the sso-enabled property of the virtual-server element uses this setting for an individual virtual server.

At the http-service level, you cannot change the sso-max-inactive-seconds and sso-reap-interval-seconds values from their defaults. However, you can change these values at the virtual-server level.