Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Application Development Guide

The cache Tag

The cache tag caches the body between the beginning and ending tags according to the attributes specified. The first time the tag is encountered, the body content is executed and cached. Each subsequent time it is run, the cached content is checked to see if it needs to be refreshed and if so, it is executed again, and the cached data is refreshed. Otherwise, the cached data is served.

Attributes of cache

The following table describes attributes for the cache tag.

Table 8–1 The cache Attributes






(optional) The name used by the container to access the cached entry. The cache key is suffixed to the servlet path to generate a key to access the cached entry. If no key is specified, a number is generated according to the position of the tag in the page. 



(optional) The time in seconds after which the body of the tag is executed and the cache is refreshed. By default, this value is interpreted in seconds. To specify a different unit of time, add a suffix to the timeout value as follows: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days. For example, 2h specifies two hours.



(optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and served as if there were no cache tag. This offers a way to programmatically decide whether the cached response is sent or whether the body has to be executed, though the response is not cached.



(optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and the response is cached again. This lets you programmatically refresh the cache immediately regardless of the timeout setting.



(optional) The scope of the cache. Can be request, session, or application. See Caching Scope.

Example of cache

The following example represents a cached JSP file:

<%@ taglib prefix="mypfx" uri="Sun ONE Application Server Tags" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<mypfx:cache                 key="${sessionScope.loginId}"
	<c:when test="${ == 'frontPage'}">
		<%-- get headlines from database --%>
<mypfx:cache timeout="1h">
<h2> Local News </h2>
	<%-- get the headline news and cache them --%>