Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Application Development Guide

Statement Tracing

You can trace the SQL statements executed by applications that use a JDBC connection pool. Set the SQL Trace Listeners attribute to a comma-separated list of trace listener implementation classes in one of the following ways:

The Enterprise Server provides a public interface, org.glassfish.api.jdbc.SQLTraceListener, that implements a means of recording SQLTraceRecord objects. To make custom implementations of this interface available to the Enterprise Server, place the implementation classes in as-install/lib.

The Enterprise Server provides an SQL tracing logger to log the SQL operations in the form of SQLTraceRecord objects in the server.log file. The module name under which the SQL operation is logged is javax.enterprise.resource.sqltrace. SQL traces are logged as FINE messages along with the module name to enable easy filtering of the SQL logs. A sample SQL trace record looks like this:

|ThreadID=77 | ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 6 | TimeStamp=1259317012202 
| ClassName=com.sun.gjc.spi.jdbc40.PreparedStatementWrapper40 | MethodName=executeUpdate 
| arg[0]=insert into table1(colName) values(100) | arg[1]=columnNames | |#]

This trace shows that an executeUpdate(String sql, String columnNames) operation is being done.