Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Application Development Guide

Other Features

The following additional features related to JDBC are provided:

Allowing Non-Component Callers

You can allow non-Java-EE components, such as servlet filters, lifecycle modules, and third party persistence managers, to use this JDBC connection pool. The returned connection is automatically enlisted with the transaction context obtained from the transaction manager. Standard Java EE components can also use such pools. Connections obtained by non-component callers are not automatically closed at the end of a transaction by the container. They must be explicitly closed by the caller.

You can enable non-component callers in the following ways:

Accessing a DataSource using the Synchronization.beforeCompletion() method requires setting Allow Non Component Callers to true. For more information about the Transaction Synchronization Registry, see The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and UserTransaction.