Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Upgrade Guide

To Upgrade From the Command Line

To run Upgrade Tool in command-line mode, use the -c option. You can run the upgrade tool in command-line mode using the following syntax:

[--source previous-server-installation-domaindirectory] 
[--target enterprise-server-v3-installation] 
[--masterpassword mpassword]
[--passwordfile password-file]

Table 2–2 describes the command options in greater detail, including the short form, the long form, and a description.

Table 2–2 asupgrade Utility Command Options

Short Form 

Long Form 




Launches the upgrade command line utility. 



The version of the Enterprise Server. 



Displays the arguments for launching the upgrade utility. 

-s source-path

--source source-path

The installation directory of the older server installation. 

-t target-path

--target target-path

The domains directory of the Enterprise Server v3 installation.

-m mpassword

--masterpassword mpassword

The master password for the source server. 

-f file-name

--passwordfile file-name

The file containing the admin password and the master password. 

The following example shows how to use the asupgrade command-line utility to upgrade an existing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 installation to Enterprise Server v3.

asupgrade -c --source /home/glassfish/domains/domain1 --target /home/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains

If you invoke the tool only with the -c/--console option, the tool enters the interactive CLI mode, where you are asked to supply the needed options.

After you issue the asupgrade command, the tool informs you that domain1 already exists in the target directory and asks if you would like to rename it. If you type y, the directory is renamed domain1.original. If domain1.original already exists, the directory is named domain1.original.0.