Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Troubleshooting Guide

Update Tool FAQs

How Do I Use Update Tool to Extend My Enterprise Server Installation?

Enterprise Server provides an administrative tool called Update Tool that enables you to install updates and add-on components to your existing Enterprise Server installation.

Update Tool can be accessed as a standalone graphical tool from the command line (using the updatetool command from as-install-parent/bin), or as a browser-based graphical tool from the Administration Console (using the Update Tool node). For more information about Update Tool, see Update Tool in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide.

Note –

To update or remove installed components, you must use the standalone graphical Update Tool, not the Administration Console Update Tool.

A command-line interface is also available for Update Tool. This interface uses the pkg command and enables you to perform most of the tasks provided by the standalone graphical version. For more information about the pkg command, see Chapter 10, Extending Enterprise Server, in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide.

Note –

Update Tool differs from Upgrade Tool, which is used to migrate the configuration and deployed applications from an earlier version of Enterprise Server to the current version. For more information about Upgrade Tool and upgrading, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Upgrade Guide.

How Do I Turn Off the Notifier?

Update Tool provides automatic notifications of available updates after installation. These notifications can be turned off if desired.

ProcedureTo Turn Off the Notifier

  1. Launch the standalone graphical tool using the updatetool command:

  2. Click Preferences.

  3. Click the Updates tab.

  4. Deselect Automatically Check for Updates and click OK.