Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Troubleshooting Guide


VisualVM is a Java troubleshooting tool that uses various technologies such as jvmstat, JMXTM, and Attach API to access monitored applications. VisualVM is a tool for visualizing data sources and by default visualizes the following types: applications, hosts, snapshots, core dumps, heap dumps, and thread dumps. These data sources are visualized in VisualVM so that they can be monitored for the purposes of analysis, management, and troubleshooting. VisualVM is commonly used to detect memory leaks.

VisualVM has a GlassFish plugin that enhances monitoring of hosted applications by adding specialized overview, a tab for monitoring the HTTP Service, and the ability to visually select and monitor any of the deployed web applications. You can experiment with VisualVM troubleshooting capabilities, but note that various features depend on the Java versions used in the client and server. Depending on your configuration, you might only get parts of the VisualVM features. For more information about VisualVM, see