Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Error Message Reference


MDB00017 [{0}]: Exception in creating message-driven bean container: [{1}]


An error occurred during the message-driven bean container initialization at runtime. The most common cause for this is that the physical resource(e.g. Queue) from which the message-driven bean is consuming either does not exist or has been configured incorrectly. Another common error is that the message-driven bean implementation class does not correctly implement the required javax.ejb.MessageBean or MessageListener interfaces.


Double-check that the JNDI name of the message-driven bean's resource in sun-ejb-jar.xml is correct. It is also useful to run the verifier to check that the code requirements for the message-driven bean class have been fulfilled.

MDB00048 Message-driven bean [{0}]: Exception in preinvoke : [{1}]


An error occurred during the pre-invocation processing before a message-driven bean MessageListener method is called. This is often caused by some transaction-related errors.


Double-check the transaction configuration for the message-driven bean and consult stack trace for additional details.

MDB00050 Message-driven bean [{0}]: Exception in creating message-driven ejb : [{1}]


An error occurred during the lifecycle initialization of a message-driven bean instance. This typically means a system exception was thrown from the bean code during the execution of the no-arg constructor, the setMessageDrivenContext method, or the ejbCreate method. Common causes are failed naming service lookups coding errors, or ClassNotFound errors.


Check the stack trace to see which method threw the exception. If the error was caused by a NamingException, double-check the environment configuration (ejb-refs, resource-refs, etc.) in the deployment descriptor against the coded names. It would also be useful to run the verifier.

MDB00051 Message-driven bean [{0}] preinvoke exception in destroy message-driven ejb: [{1}]


An error occurred while the container was destroying an instance of a message-driven bean. The most common cause is that a message-driven bean class threw a system exception from its ejbRemove method.


Check the message driven bean's ejbRemove implementation to determine what would result in an exception. Also consult the stack trace for more information.

MDB00052 Message-driven bean [{0}]: start message delivery exception: [{1}]


An error occurred while the container was enabling the message flow into a message-driven bean. This is an internal error that typically means there is a problem with the messaging system from which the message-driven bean is consuming.


Check the stack trace for more details.