Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Error Message Reference


ACC001 Using the only client {1} with main class {2} in {0} even though it does not match the specified main class name {3} or client name {4}


The command line specified a main class or a client name different from the main class and name of the only client found.


The error message lists the main classes and client names for the clients in the JAR. Make sure the command line specifies one of those.

ACC002 The application contains multiple app clients; please choose one using -mainclass {0} or -name {1}


The command line did not specify a main class or a client name to run, and the JAR contains more than one client.


Specify either -mainclass your-main-class-name or -name your-client-name on the appclient command.

ACC003 No app client in the app client group {0} matches the main class name "{1}" or the app client name "{2}";\nPlease choose one using -mainclass {3} or -name {4}


The JAR file contains multiple app clients and none matches the -mainclass value or the -name value that was specified on the appclient command.


Review the list of main classes and names in the original error message and make sure the appclient command specifies a main class or a name listed.

ACC004 No app clients are listed in the app client group {0}


The deployment which generated the downloaded JAR file might have failed partially.


Check the server.log file on the server for any deployment errors.

ACC005 The main method is either not public or not static


The main method for the app client is not declared as "public."


The main method for the app client is not declared as "static."


Declare the main method as "public."


Declare the main method as "static."

ACC006 The main method's return type is not void


The main method does not have a return type of "void."


Declare the main method so its return type is "void."

ACC007 The app client {0,choice,0#file|1#directory} {1} does not contain a manifest; the app client container cannot process it.


The file might not be a valid app client JAR or undeployed EAR. It might be another kind of file or have become corrupted.


Make sure to specify a valid app client JAR file or an EAR which contains at least one app client.

ACC008 The manifest in the app client facade {0} does not contain the expected entry for {1} or it is invalid; the app client container cannot process it.


The app client facade JAR file might have generated incorrectly.


The app client facade JAR file might have become corrupted.


Check the server's server.log file for any errors during deployment of the application.


Use the get-client-stubs command to retrieve the generated JAR files for the application again.

ACC009 \nThe credentials you provided (username and password) were not valid or do not\nallow access to the application. Please try again with a valid username and \npassword. If you are certain the username and password are correct please\ncontact your system administrator. The following information might be helpful:\n\n{0}


The user supplied a username and password combination that are not valid.


The user supplied a valid username and password but they are not authorized for access to the server-side resource requested.


Make sure the username and password are correct.


Make sure the username and password grant the desired access to the requested server-side resource.

ACC011 The expected client file {0} is missing. The deployment of the application or retrieval of the app client might have failed.


The manifest of the generated facade JAR file refers to the specified app client JAR file but that file does not seem to exist.


Make sure the deployment of the application succeeded and that the download of the app client files (using either "deploy --retrieve" or "get-client-stubs" succeeded.