Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Add-On Component Development Guide

Adding Message Text Strings to an asadmin Subcommand

A message text string provides useful information to the user about an asadmin subcommand or a parameter.

To provide internationalization support for the text string of a subcommand or parameter, annotate the declaration of the subcommand or parameter with the org.glassfish.api.I18n annotation. The @I18n annotation identifies the resource from the resource bundle that is associated with your implementation.

To add message text strings to an asadmin subcommand, create a plain text file that is named to contain the strings. Define each string on a separate line of the file as follows:


A key that maps the string to a subcommand or a parameter. The format to use for key depends on the target to which the key applies and whether the target is annotated with the @I18n annotation. See the following table.



Subcommand or parameter with the @I18n annotation


Subcommand without the @I18n annotation


Parameter without the @I18n annotation


The replaceable parts of these formats are as follows:


The name of the subcommand.


The name of the resource that is specified in the@I18n annotation.


The name of the parameter.


A string without quotes that contains the text of the message.

Note –

To display the message strings to users, you must provide code in your implementation of the execute method to display the text. For more information about implementing the execute method, see Enabling an asadmin Subcommand to Run.

Example 4–3 Adding Message Strings to an asadmin Subcommand

This example shows the code for adding message strings to the create-mycontainer subcommand as follows:

The addition of the parameters originator, description, enabled and containername to the subcommand is shown in Example 4–2.

package com.example.mycontainer;

import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand;
import org.glassfish.api.I18n;
import org.glassfish.api.Param;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Scoped;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.PerLookup;

 * Sample subcommand
public Class CreateMycontainer implements AdminCommand {


    String originator;

    @Param(name="description", optional=true)
    String mycontainerDescription
    @Param (acceptableValues="true,false", defaultValue="false", optional=true)
    String enabled
    String containername;


The following message text strings are defined in the file for use by the subcommand:

create-mycontainer.command=Creates a custom container
create-mycontainer.command.originator=The originator of the container 
create-mycontainer.command.mydesc=A description of the container
create-mycontainer.command.enabled=Whether the container is enabled or disabled
create-mycontainer.command.containername=The container name