Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform

Java EE Technologies Used in the Web Tier

The following Java EE technologies are used in the web tier in Java EE applications:

Table 2–1 Web-Tier Java EE Technologies




Java programming language classes that dynamically process requests and construct responses, usually for HTML pages 

JavaServer Pages (JSP) 

Text-based documents that are compiled into servlets and define how dynamic content can be added to static pages, such as HTML pages. 

JavaServer Faces technology 

A user-interface component framework for web applications that allows you to include UI components (such as fields and buttons) on a page, convert and validate UI component data, save UI component data to server-side data stores, and maintain component state. 

JavaServer Faces Facelets technology 

Facelets applications are a type of JavaServer Faces applications that use XHTML pages rather than JSP pages. 

Expression Language 

A set of standard tags used in JSP and Facelets pages to refer to Java EE components. 

JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library 

A tag library that encapsulates core functionality common to JSP pages 

JavaBeans Components 

Objects that act as temporary data stores for the pages of an application