Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform

ProcedureCreating a Resource Bundle

  1. Right-click firstcup in the Projects pane.

  2. Select New -> Other from the popup menu.

  3. Select the Other category, then Properties File from the New File dialog and click Next.

  4. In the New Properties File dialog, enter WebMessages in the File Name field.

  5. In the Folder field, enter src/java/firstcup/web as the location of the file.

  6. Click Finish.

  7. After NetBeans 6.7 IDE creates the properties file, enter the following messages or copy them from here to the file:

    Welcome=Hi. My name is Duke. Let us find out who is older -- You or I. 
    DukeIs=Duke is
    YearsOldToday=years old today.
    Instructions=Enter your birthday and click submit.
    YourBD=Your birthday
    DateError=Please enter the date in the form MM/dd/yyyy.
    YouAre=You are 
    Older=older than Duke!
    Younger=younger than Duke!
    SameAge= the same age as Duke!

    These messages will be referenced from the XHTML pages.

  8. Save the file by selecting File -> Save from the menu.

  9. To add the Spanish translations of the messages, copy the properties file from tut-install/firstcup/example/firstcup/src/java/com/sun/firstcup/web to tut-install/firstcup/myexample/firstcup/src/java/firstcup/web.

    You can create multiple properties files, each with a set of messages for a different locale. By storing localized static text and messages in resource bundles, you don't need to create a separate set of XHTML pages for each locale.