Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager Monitoring Scripting Client 3.0 Installation and Quick Start Guide

Appendix A Monitoring Scripting Client API Reference

The Monitoring Scripting Client API is a set of preinstantiated objects that enable scripts to interact with the Monitoring Scripting Client framework.

The following topics are addressed here:

Object client

Method Summary

void print(String string)

Prints a string to the standard output on the system where the script is running.

Method Detail


void print(
    String string)

Prints a string to the standard output on the system where the script is running.



The string to be printed.

Object scriptContainer

Method Summary

void registerListener (String event-id, String[] params, String callback)

Registers a script as a listener for a specific event.

Method Detail


void registerListener (
    String event-id, 
    String[] params, 
    String callback)

Registers a script as a listener for a specific event.



The event identifier (ID) of the event for which the script is to listen.


An array of the event parameters to pass to the event callback function that is called when the event is received.


The event callback function that is called when the event is received.