Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager Monitoring Scripting Client 3.0 Installation and Quick Start Guide

Downloading and Installing Monitoring Scripting Client From the SunSolve Program Site

ProcedureTo Download Monitoring Scripting Client From the SunSolve Program Site

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have the user name and password for your Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server subscription.

  1. Go to the SunSolve program site.

  2. Log in to the SunSolve program site with the user name and password for your Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server subscription.

  3. Search by patch identifier (ID) for patch 142773-01.

    A page that contains your search results is opened.

  4. In the page that contains your search results, follow the link to download the ZIP file that contains the patch.

    A file that is named is downloaded to your machine.

ProcedureTo Install Monitoring Scripting Client From the SunSolve Program Site

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Change to the directory to which you downloaded the patch ZIP file.

    cd download-dir

    download-dir is the directory where you downloaded the ZIP file.

  2. Unzip the patch ZIP file.


    When you unzip the file, a directory that is named 142773-01 is created within the current directory. This new directory contains a subdirectory that is named lib, which contains the following files:

    • monitoring-scripting-client-cli.jar

    • monitoring-scripting-client.jar

    • monitoring-scripting-client.war

  3. Copy the monitoring-scripting-client.jar file to the Enterprise Server modules directory.

    cp 142773-01/lib/monitoring-scripting-client.jar as-install/modules

    as-install is the directory in which Enterprise Server is installed.

  4. Copy the monitoring-scripting-client-cli.jar file to the Enterprise Server lib/asadmin directory.

    cp 142773-01/lib/monitoring-scripting-client-cli.jar as-install/lib/asadmin

    as-install is the directory in which Enterprise Server is installed.

  5. Start or restart an administrative domain.

    • If no administrative domain is running, start a domain.

      asadmin start-domain domain
    • If an administrative domain is running, restart the domain.

      asadmin restart-domain domain

    domain is the name of the administrative domain to start or restart.

  6. Enable Comet support for an HTTP listener of Enterprise Server.

    asadmin set

    listener-name is the name of the HTTP listener for which to enable Comet support.

    For example, to enable Comet support for the HTTP listener http-listener-1, type:

    asadmin set
  7. Deploy the application in the monitoring-scripting-client.war file.

    asadmin deploy 142773-01/lib/monitoring-scripting-client.war