Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Embedded Server Guide

Specifying an Embedded Enterprise Server File System

Specifying an embedded file system for an embedded Enterprise Server is optional. What you don't specify is created automatically and used transparently by the server. An embedded file system enables you to do the following:

To specify an embedded file system for embedded Enterprise Server, perform these tasks:

  1. Instantiate the org.glassfish.api.embedded.EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder class.

  2. Invoke any methods for configuration settings that you require. This is optional.

  3. Invoke the build method to create an EmbeddedFileSystem object.

If you are including the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file in your class path, the methods of the EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder class can only point to the referenced installation. These methods cannot create or delete any directories or files.

The methods of the EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder class for setting the embedded file system configuration are listed in the following table. The default value of each configuration setting is also listed.

Table 2 Constructor and Methods of the EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder Class



Default Value 

Creates an embedded file system builder 



Deletes embedded file system files when the server is stopped 

Caution – Caution –

Do not set autoDelete to true if you are using installRoot to refer to a preexisting Enterprise Server installation.

autoDelete(boolean enabled)


Creates a new or references an existing Installation Root Directory

installRoot( install-root)

In order of precedence: 

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir system property value

  • user.dir system property value

  • Current directory

Creates or references an Installation Root Directory in which the embedded server and file system use different class loaders if cooked-mode is false

installRoot( install-root, 
boolean cooked-mode)

Same as the other installRoot method, cooked-mode is true

Creates a new or references an existing Instance Root Directory

instanceRoot( instance-root)


Creates a new or references an existing configuration file 

configurationFile( config-file)


Creates or references a configuration file that is read-only if read-only is true

configurationFile( config-file 
boolean read-only)

instance-dirconfig/domain.xml, read-only is false

Creates an embedded file system 



Example 2 Creating an Embedded File System

This example shows code for creating an embedded file system whose configuration information is stored in the file C:\samples\test\applicationserver\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml. This example also includes the code from Example 1 for creating Server.Builder and Server objects.

import org.glassfish.api.embedded.*;
    File installDir = new File("c:\\samples\\testapp\\applicationserver");
    File domainDir = new File(installDir, "domains\\domain1");
    File domainConfig = new File(domainDir, "config");
    File domainXml = new File(domainConfig, "domain.xml");
    Server.Builder builder = new Server.Builder("test");
    EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder efsb = new EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder();
    EmbeddedFileSystem efs =;
    Server server =;

Installation Root Directory

The installation root directory, represented as as-install, is the parent of the directory that embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses for configuration files. This directory corresponds to the base directory for an installation of Enterprise Server. Configuration files are contained in the following directories in the base directory for an installation of Enterprise Server:

Specify the installation root directory if any of the following conditions applies:

Note –

If the instance root directory is also specified, configuration files for the domain are obtained from the instance root directory, not the domains directory under the installation root directory.

How embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the installation root directory depends on the content of this directory:

If the installation root directory is not specified, embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server creates a directory named gfembedrandom-numbertmp in the current working directory, where random-number is a randomly generated 19-digit number. Embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server then copies configuration files into this directory.

Instance Root Directory

The instance root directory, represented as instance-dir, is the parent directory of a server instance directory. Embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the server instance directory for domain configuration files.

Specify the instance root directory if any of the following conditions applies:

How embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the instance root directory depends on the content of this directory:

If the instance root directory is not specified, embedded Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the domains subdirectory of the installation root directory for domain configuration files.

Using an Existing domain.xml File

Using an existing domain.xml file avoids the need to configure embedded Enterprise Server programmatically in your application. Your application obtains domain configuration data from an existing domain.xml file. You can create this file by using the administrative interfaces of an installation of nonembedded Enterprise Server. To specify an existing domain.xml file, invoke the installRoot, instanceRoot, or configurationFile method of the EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder class or a combination of these methods.