Logical Domains 1.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureConfigure Virtual Network and Virtual Switch Devices to Use Jumbo Frames

You enable jumbo frames by specifying the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual switch device. In such cases, the virtual switch device and all virtual network devices that are bound to the virtual switch device use the specified MTU value.

In certain circumstances, you can specify an MTU value directly on a virtual network device. You might do this if the required MTU value for the virtual network device should be less than that supported by the virtual switch.

Note –

On the Solaris 10 5/09 OS, the MTU of a physical device must be configured to match the MTU of the virtual switch. For more information about configuring particular drivers, see the man page that corresponds to that driver in Section 7D of the Solaris reference manual. For example, to get information about the e1000g driver, see the e1000g(7D) man page.

On the OpenSolarisTM OS, the vsw driver automatically configures the MTU of the physical device. Thus, you need not perform additional configuration steps.

  1. Become superuser on the control domain.

  2. Determine the value of MTU that you want to use for the virtual network.

    You can specify an MTU value from 1500 to 16000 bytes. The specified MTU must match the MTU of the physical network device that is assigned to the virtual switch.

  3. Specify the MTU value of a virtual switch device or virtual network device.

    Do one of the following:

    • Enable jumbo frames on a new virtual switch device in the service domain by specifying its MTU as a value of the mtu property.

      # ldm add-vsw mtu=value vswitch-name ldom

      In addition to configuring the virtual switch, this command updates the MTU value of each virtual network device that will be bound to this virtual switch.

    • Enable jumbo frames on an existing virtual switch device in the service domain by specifying its MTU as a value of the mtu property.

      # ldm set-vsw mtu=value vswitch-name

      In addition to configuring the virtual switch, this command updates the MTU value of each virtual network device that will be bound to this virtual switch.

    In rare circumstances, you might need to use the ldm add-vnet or ldm set-vnet command to specify an MTU value for a virtual network device that differs from the MTU value of the virtual switch. For example, you might change the virtual network device's MTU value if you configure VLANs over a virtual network device and the largest VLAN MTU is less than the MTU value on the virtual switch. A vnet driver that supports jumbo frames might not be required for domains where only the default MTU value is used. However, if the domains have virtual network devices bound to a virtual switch that uses jumbo frames, ensure that the vnet driver supports jumbo frames.

    If you use the ldm set-vnet command to specify an mtu value on a virtual network device, future updates to the MTU value of the virtual switch device are not propagated to that virtual network device. To reenable the virtual network device to obtain the MTU value from the virtual switch device, run the following command:

    # ldm set-vnet mtu= vnet-name ldom

    Note that enabling jumbo frames for a virtual network device automatically enables jumbo frames for any HybridIO resource that is assigned to that virtual network device.

    On the control domain, the Logical Domains Manager updates the MTU values that are initiated by the ldm set-vsw and ldm set-vnet commands as delayed reconfiguration operations. To make MTU updates to domains other than the control domain, you must stop a domain prior to running the ldm set-vsw or ldm set-vnet command to modify the MTU value.

    Note –

    You cannot use the OpenSolaris 2009.06 dladm set-linkprop command to change the MTU value of Logical Domains virtual network devices.

Example 7–1 Configuring Jumbo Frames on Virtual Switch and Virtual Network Devices