The following sections describe the restrictions on entering names in the Logical Domains Manager CLI.
First character must be a letter, a number, or a forward slash (/).
Subsequent letters must be letters, numbers, or punctuation.
The names must contain letters, numbers, or punctuation.
The logical domain configuration name (config-name) that you assign to a configuration stored on the service processor (SP) must have no more than 64 characters.
The remainder of the names, such as the logical domain name (ldom), service names (vswitch-name, service-name, vdpcs-service-name, and vcc-name), virtual network name (if-name), and virtual disk name (disk-name), must be in the following format:
First character must be a letter or number.
Subsequent characters must be letters, numbers, or any of the following characters -_+#.:;~().