Generate output as a subset of resources by entering one or more of the following format options. If you specify more than one format, delimit the items by a comma with no spaces.
console - output contains virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator (vcc) service
cpu - output contains virtual CPU (vcpu) and physical CPU (pcpu)
crypto - cryptographic unit output contains Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any other LDoms-supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ)
disk - output contains virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds)
domain - output contains variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags, and software state
memory - output contains memory
network - output contains media access control (mac) address , virtual network switch (vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device
physio - physical input/output contains peripheral component interconnect (pci) and network interface unit (niu)
serial - output contains virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs)
status - output contains status about a domain migration in progress.
The following examples show various subsets of output that you can specify.
# ldm list -o cpu primary NAME primary VCPU VID PID UTIL STRAND 0 0 1.0% 100% 1 1 0.6% 100% 2 2 0.2% 100% 3 3 0.5% 100% |
# ldm list -o domain ldm2 NAME STATE FLAGS ldm2 active -t--- SOFTSTATE Openboot initializing VARIABLES auto-boot?=false boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0 |
# ldm list -o network,memory ldm1 NAME ldm1 MAC 00:14:4f:f9:dd:ae MEMORY RA PA SIZE 0x6800000 0x46800000 1500M NETWORK NAME SERVICE DEVICE MAC MODE PVID VID ldm1-network0 primary-vsw0@primary network@0 00:14:4f:fb:21:0f 1 |