<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="primary"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>ldom_info</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:Address>00:03:ba:d8:ba:f6</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericPropertykey="hostid">83d8baf6</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="master">plum</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="failure-policy">reset</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="progress">45%</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="status">ongoing</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="source">dt90-319</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope> |
The ldom_info resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The following properties within the ldom_info resource are optional properties:
<rasd:Address> tag, which specifies the MAC address to be assigned to a domain.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="failure-policy"> tag, which specifies how slave domains should behave should the master domain fail. The default value is ignore. Following are the valid property values:
ignore ignores failures of the master domain (slave domains are unaffected).
panic panics any slave domains when the master domain fails.
reset resets any slave domains when the master domain fails.
stop stops any slave domains when the master domain fails.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="hostid"> tag, which specifies the host ID to be assigned to the domain.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="master"> tag, which specifies up to four comma-separated master domain names.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="progress"> tag, which specifies the percentage of progress made by the command.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="source"> tag, which specifies the machine reporting on the progress of the command.
<gprop:GenericPropertykey="status"> tag, which specifies the status of the command (done, failed, or ongoing).