Logical Domains 1.2 Administration Guide

Saving Logical Domain Configurations for Future Rebuilding

The basic process is to save the constraints information for each domain into an XML file, which can then be re-issued to the Logical Domains Manager, for example, after a hardware failure to rebuild a desired configuration.

Rebuild Guest Domain Configurations works for guest domains, not the control domain. You can save the control (primary) domain's constraints to an XML file, but you cannot feed it back into the ldm add-domain -i command. However, you can use the resource constraints from the XML file to create the CLI commands to reconfigure your primary domain. See Rebuilding the Control Domain for instructions on how to translate typical XML output from an ldm list-constraints -x primary command into the CLI commands needed to reconfigure a primary domain.

The method that follows does not preserve actual bindings, only the constraints used to create those bindings. This means that, after this procedure, the domains will have the same virtual resources, but will not necessarily be bound to the same physical resources.

ProcedureSave All Logical Domain Configurations

  1. For each logical domain, create an XML file containing the domain's constraints.

    # ldm list-constraints -x ldom > ldom.xml

    The following example shows how to create an XML file, primary.xml, that contains the primary domain's constraints:

    # ldm list-constraints -x primary > primary.xml

ProcedureRebuild Guest Domain Configurations

  1. Run the following commands for each guest domain's XML file you created.

    # ldm add-domain -i ldom.xml
    # ldm bind-domain ldom
    # ldm start-domain ldom