Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Update 7 Release Notes

Web Container

This section describes the known web container issues and associated solutions.




Incorrect http-headers when using servlet filters for pdf/ xls files.

There is no default mime-type mapping in default-web.xml. Add the desired mime-types to default-web.xml.


Add the following mime-type definition in the default-web.xml of the instance that will server xls:





Similarly, add the specific mime-type definitions for other file types to the default-web.xml file.

6308777, 6324326

Servlet container UTF-8 URI mapping vulnerability.

ACL-based protection for JSPs can be bypassed by presenting characters in the URI in UTF-8 format. 


Ensure to modify ACLs to not accept wildcards in the URI. 

5089201, 5001994

getRequestURI() returns unencoded values when it should not.

The fix for this issue will break clients of older NSAPI, such as Portal Server 6.3, which call getRequestURI() and expect the URI to be automatically decoded when the data is returned.

Therefore, to maintain backward compatibility for older NSAPI clients, a new JVM option has been added to revert to the old NSAPI behavior and allow Portal Server to function correctly. 


Enable the JVM option, -DJ2EEDecodeURI, on computers running Portal Server to allow cookie-less mode (and all other functionality) on the getRequestURI() call.


javax.ejb.EJBException: org/dom4j/Element error is thrown with JWSDP 1.2(1.3) installed.


Add dom4j-full.jar to server-classpath in server.xml file. It can be downloaded from http://dom4j.organd should precede appserv-jstl.jar entry in server-classpath.


HTTP 404 error message still indicating "Sun ONE Application Server"

Read "Sun ONE Application Server" as Sun Java System Application Server.