Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Update 7 Release Notes

Server Administration

This section contains the following sections:

Command Line Interface (CLI)

This section describes the known command-line interface issues and associated solutions.




CLI command overflows in single-mode if the command is more than 256 characters long.

On UNIX(R), when executing a CLI command in single-mode that contains more than 256 characters, the command fails with this error: ...Command Not Found...

This is a terminal restriction, not a CLI restriction. 


create-jdbc-connection-pool --instance server4 --datasourceuser admin --datasourcepassword adminadmin --datasourceclassname test --datasourceurl test --minpoolsize=8 --maxpoolsize=32 --maxwait=60000 --poolresize=2 --idletimeout=300 --connectionvalidate=false --validationmethod=auto-commit --failconnection=false --description test sample_connectionpoolid)


  1. For commands that require more than 256 characters, use CLI multi-mode.

  2. If you must use single-mode, run the command using OpenWin cmdtool.

Administration Infrastructure

This section describes the known administration infrastructure issues and associated solutions.




*~ wildcard pattern does not work as documented.

See the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Developer's Guide (817–2176) for a list of available wildcard patterns used by Sun Application Server. However, the wildcard pattern with tilde in the ppath does not work as documented.


Add one of the following to the obj.conf file.

  • <Object ppath="/test[^h].html"> PathCheck fn="htaccess-find" filename=".htaccess"</Object>

  • <Object ppath="*~*(.testh.html|.testh.html/)">PathCheck fn="htaccess-find" filename=".htaccess" </Object>

  • <Object ppath="*~*.testh.html*"> PathCheck fn="htaccess-find" filename=".htaccess" </Object>


Virtual server’s obj.conf is not removed after deleting the virtual server.

By default, the configuration file for a virtual server is not removed from the filesystem after deleting the virtual server. 


Manually remove the virtual_server-obj.conf file of the deleted virtual server.


HTTP Quality of Service limits are not enforced.

Quality of Service (QOS) includes a means of specifying the maximum number of HTTP connections and the bandwidth limit. When these attributes are exceeded, a 503 error should be returned to the client. However, after enabling QOS through the Administration interface, the server does not enforce the QOS limits. 


To fully enable QOS features, you must manually add an AuthTrans fn=qos-handler line to the top of the default object in the obj.conf file of the virtual server. The qos-handler Server Application Function (SAF) and obj.conf configuration file are described in the Developer’s Guide to NSAPI.


SNMP: END OF MIB is returned when adding and starting a new instance server.

If you add and start a new instance without shutting down the instance server and subagent, an END OF MIB message is returned.


  1. To view a new instance, make sure the subagent and all the instance server processes are shut down. Under each server ->Monitoring -> "Enable SNMP Statistics Collection: on", apply the change, then restart each instance server, and start only one subagent process again.

  2. If the subagent is already running, don’t start any extra subagent processes in any instance. There can only be one master agent and one subagent for a Application Server installation (common for all domains/instances).


Negative test for instance port in server.xml corrupts domains.bin

If the port number and/or IP Address includes a letter character, no new instances can be created and the current instances become unmanageable. 


  1. Edit the server.xml file and the backup server.xml and correct the port number and/or IP Address.

  2. Execute the asadmin reconfig command using the keepmanualchanges=true option.

  3. Using the Administration Interface, stop the instance by selecting the instance name in the Administration tree.

  4. Restart the administration server and application server instance.

Administration Interface

When using Administration interface, make sure that the browser is configured to check for newer versions of pages from the server, instead of picking these from cache. Generally, default browser settings would not cause problems.

This section describes the known administration graphical user interface issues, and the associated solutions.




External certificate nickname doesn’t display on the Admin Console Nickname list.

When you install an external certificate through the Application Server Administration interface, a problem is encountered when you attempt to enable SSL for the http-listener by using the certificate that is installed on the external cryptographic module. Although the installation of the certificate is successful, the certificate nickname does not display in the Administration interface. 


  1. Log in to the system where the Sun ONE Application Server software is installed as an Administrative User.

  2. Link the http-listener to the certificate installed on the external cryptographic module. Execute the asadmin command. For more information on the asadmin command, see the asadmin(1M) man page.

    /sun/appserver7/bin/asadmin create-ssl --user admin --password password --host host_name --port 8888 --type http-listener --certname nobody@apprealm:Server-Cert --instance server1 --ssl3enabled=true --ssl3tlsciphers +rsa_rc4_128_md5 http-listener-1

    This command establishes the link between the certificate and the server instance; it does not install the certificate (which was done using the Admin Console). Even though the certificate is linked with http-listener, the http-listener will be listening in non-SSL mode.

  3. Enable the http-listener to listen in SSL mode by using the following CLI command.

    /sun/appserver7/bin/asadmin set --user admin --password password --host host_name --port 8888 server1.http-listener.http-listener-1.securityEnabled=true

    This command switches the server instance listening state from non-SSL to SSL.

    After completing the preceding steps, the certificate is displayed in the Admin Console.

  4. You can now use the Admin Console to edit the http-listener as needed.


SSL: A self-signed certificate generated by certutil is not displayed on the Certificate Nickname list.

A self-signed certificate is generated by the certutil and Certificate Nickname is not displayed on the Admin Console. 


To use a self-signed certificate, you must manually edit the server.xml file.


Restart times out after SSL is enabled from the Admin Console.


Stop and start the server when SSL is enabled instead of doing a instance restart. 


“Apply Changes Required” icon appears even though no changes have been made.

In the Admin Console, when an Application Server instance’s properties or settings are viewed, the Apply Changes Required” icon appears even if no changes have been made to the settings. 


This message appears only once and does not make any changes to the Application Server. Select “Apply Changes” when you get this message. 


On Solaris x86, HTTP listener and IIOP listener pages in the Administration interface give errors.


The problem is caused by certain versions of jss3.jar. Two workarounds exist: 

For patch levels 115924-03, 115925-03, 115926-03, 115927-03, upgrade the SUNWjss package with a later version. 

Remove the path to jss3.jar from the server’s classpath as described here:

  1. Open server.xml for editing.

  2. Remove usr/share/lib/mps/secv1/jss3.jar from the classpath.

    This is the first entry in the classpath unless you have explicitly modified it.

  3. Save server.xml and run asadmin reconfig.

  4. Before starting your server instance, you also need to rename jss3.jar.