Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

To Modify Basic Permissions

  1. In File Manager, select the icon of the file or folder whose permissions you want to modify.

  2. Choose Properties from the File Manager Selected menu or from the icon's pop-up menu (displayed by pressing Shift+F10 or mouse button 3).

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  3. Click the check boxes to set the Owner, Group, and Other permissions.

    The mask restricts the Group permissions, but does not affect Owner or Other permissions. The actual read, write, and execute permissions that Owner, Group, and Other receive appear in the Effective column.

  4. Use the Apply Changes To option button to choose the scope of the changes.

    For files, the options are This File Only (default), All Files in Parent Folder, and All Files in Parent Folder and its Subfolders. For folders, the options are This folder only (default) and This folder and its Subfolders.

  5. Click OK on the Permissions dialog box to apply the current settings and dismiss the dialog box. Click Apply to apply the settings without dismissing the Permissions dialog box.

    If you want to modify the permissions for another file or folder, select the object and choose Properties from the Selected menu. If you display the Properties dialog box by typing sdtfprop& on the command line, you can click Browse in the dialog box and select the file or folder name to modify properties.

    See Permissions Mask for a discussion of the mask.