ToolTalk User's Guide

Modifying the Xedit Application

To modify the Xedit application so that it will be able to communicate with the Xfontsel application, you need to modify the following files:

For the ToolTalk demonstration, Xedit needs to know about the ToolTalk header file. Xedit also needs to know about the new ToolTalk commands in the xedit.c file. These changes are made to the xedit.h file, as shown with commented explanations in Example B–1.

Next, you need to add code to the Xedit.c file to set the ToolTalk session, make a button for the font change function, and to allow Xedit to receive and process ToolTalk messages. These changes to the file are shown with commented explanations in Example B–2.

Now add code to the commands.c file so that Xedit can tell the Xfontsel application to send a reply when the font change has been completed, or to notify it if the operation failed. You also need to add code that tells Xfontsel what operation Xedit wants performed. These changes to the file are shown with commented explanations in Example B–3.

The final modification you need to make to the Xedit program is to change the Makefile so that it uses the ToolTalk libraries. To do this, add the -ltt option as follows:


After you have made the indicated changes to the Xedit files, compile the Xedit program.