ToolTalk User's Guide

Querying for Specific Specs in a File

Create a filter function to query for specific specs in a file and obtain the specs in which you are interested.

Use tt_file_objects_query to find all the objects in the named file. As the ToolTalk service finds each object, it calls your filter function, and passes it the objid of the object and the two application-supplied pointers. Your filter function does some computation and returns a Tt_filter_action value (TT_FILTER_CONTINUE or TT_FILTER_STOP) to either continue the query, or to quit the search and return immediately.

Example 12–1 illustrates how to obtain a list of specs.

Example 12–1 Obtaining a List of Specifications

 * Called to update the scrolling list of objects for a file. Uses
 * tt_file_objects_query to find all the ToolTalk objects.
       static int list_item = 0;
	char *file;
	int i;

	cntl_objid = (char *)0;

	for (i = list_item; i >= 0; i--) {
		xv_set(cntl_ui_olist, PANEL_LIST_DELETE, i, NULL);

	list_item = 0;
	file = (char *)xv_get(cntl_ui_file_field, PANEL_VALUE);
	if (tt_file_objects_query(file,
                                   &list_item, NULL) != TT_OK) {
		xv_set(cntl_ui_base_window, FRAME_LEFT_FOOTER,
		       “Couldn't query objects for file”, NULL);
		return 0;

	return 1;

Within the tt_file_objects_query function, the application calls cntl_gather_specs, a filter function that inserts objects into a scrolling list. Example 12–2 illustrates how to insert the objid.

Example 12–2 Inserting the objid

 * Function to insert the objid given into the scrolling lists of objects
 * for a file. Used inside tt_file_objects_query as it iterates through
 * all the ToolTalk objects in a file.
cntl_gather_specs(objid, list_count, acc)
     char *objid;
     void *list_count;
     void *acc;
	int *i = (int *)list_count;

	xv_set(cntl_ui_olist, PANEL_LIST_INSERT, *i,
	       PANEL_LIST_STRING, *i, objid,

	*i = (*i + 1);

	/* continue processing */