ToolTalk User's Guide

Managing Files that Contain Object Data

To keep the ToolTalk database that services the disk partition where a file that contains object data is stored up-to-date, use the ToolTalk functions to copy, move, or destroy the file. Table 12–3 lists the ToolTalk functions you use to manage files that contain object data.

Table 12–3 Functions to Copy, Move, or Remove Files that Contain Object Data

ToolTalk Function 


tt_file_move(const char *oldfilepath, const char *newfilepath)

Moves the file and the ToolTalk object data 

tt_file_copy(const char *oldfilepath, const char *newfilepath)

Copies the file and the ToolTalk object data 

tt_file_destroy(const char *filepath)

Removes the file and the ToolTalk object data 

The return type for these functions is Tt_status.