ONC+ Developer's Guide


The following table summarizes RPCSEC_GSS commands. It is a general overview of RPCSEC_GSS functions, rather than a specific description of each one. For more information on each function, see its man page, or check the rpcsec_gss(3NSL) man page for an overview, including a list of RPCSEC_GSS data structures.

Table 5–2 RPCSEC_GSS Functions
 Create a security contextrpc_gss_seccreate(3NSL) CLIENT handle, principal name, mechanism, QOP, service typeAUTH handle
 Change QOP, service type for contextrpc_gss_set_defaults(3NSL) Old QOP, service New QOP, service
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_max_data_length(3NSL) (client side) Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_svc_max_data_length(3NSL) (server side) Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Set name of principals for server to representrpc_gss_set_svc_name(3NSL) Principal name, RPC program, version #s TRUE if successful
 Fetch credentials of caller (client)rpc_gss_getcred(3NSL)Pointer to svc_req structure UNIX credentials, RPCSEC_GSS credentials, cookie
 Specify user-written callback function rpc_gss_set_callback(3NSL) Pointer to callback function TRUE if successful
 Create RPCSEC_GSS structure for principal names from unique parametersrpc_gss_get_principal_name(3NSL) Mechanism, user name, machine name, domain name RPCSEC_GSS principal name structure
 Fetch an error code when an RPCSEC_GSS routine failsrpc_gss_get_error(3NSL)


RPCSEC_GSS error number, errno if applicable
 Get strings for installed mechanismsrpc_gss_get_mechanisms(3NSL)


 List of valid mechanisms
 Get valid QOP stringsrpc_gss_get_mech_info(3NSL) Mechanism Valid QOPs for that mechanism
 Get the highest, lowest version numbers of RPCSEC_GSS supportedrpc_gss_get_versions(3NSL)


 Highest, lowest versions
 Check if a mechanism is installedrpc_gss_is_installed(3NSL) Mechanism TRUE if installed
 Convert ASCII mechanism to RPC object identifierrpc_gss_mech_to_oid(3NSL) Mechanism (as string) Mechanism (as OID)
 Convert ASCII QOP to integerrpc_gss_qop_to_num(3NSL) QOP (as string) QOP (as integer)