Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Configure the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking

Edit the /lib/svc/method/svc-mdmonitor script to add a time interval for periodic checking.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Open the /lib/svc/method/svc-mdmonitor script in the editor of your choice. Locate the following section in the script:

    case $error in
    0)      exit 0
    *)      echo "Could not start $MDMONITORD. Error $error."
            exit 0
  3. Change the line that starts the mdmonitord command by adding a -t flag and the number of seconds between checks.


    $MDMONITORD -t 3600
    case $error in
    0)      exit 0
    *)      echo "Could not start $MDMONITORD. Error $error."
            exit 0
  4. Restart the mdmonitord command to activate your changes.

    # svcadm restart system/mdmonitor

    For more information, see the mdmonitord(1M) man page.